Join Helmut Lang and PZtoday on a voyage to another world
August 11, 2020 - For the cult brand’s AW20 collection, they’ve enlisted fashion’s favourite eccentric to take you on a trip to HELMUTLAND.
PZがオンラインショップを開設 「VeniceW」とコラボしたスワンバッグを発売
July 20, 2020 - アートディレクターのPZが、オンラインストア「」を立ち上げた。タイ発のブランド「VeniceW」とコラボレーションしたバッグを100点限定で販売している。

PZtoday©’s wholly impractical DIY for bored-out-of-your-face amusement
April 30, 2020 - She’s Paris’ answer to Blue Peter! PZ Opassuksatit is the all-making, all-designing woman behind PZtoday©. Get messy with her latest project, exclusively for The Face.

PZ Opassuksatit’s Wild Take On Love and Weddings
February 21, 2020 - Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is also serious business (see: the multi-billion dollar wedding industry). But in PZWorld Weddings, the bridal catalog conceived by art director and designer PZ Opassuksatit, love is weird. Like much of PZ’s work, it’s at turns absurd, bizarre, bonkers, and ironic.

PZtoday x Doublet 협업 다이아몬드 링 박스 티셔츠 국내 발매
November 21, 2019 - 파리를 중심으로 활동하는 아트 디렉터 PZ 오파쑥사팃(PZ Opassuksatit). 그녀는 자신의 이름만큼이나 독특한 PZ월드(PZWorld)의 세계관을 창조하고, 이를 토대로 다양한 콘텐츠를 제작한다. 과거 그녀는 아이디어(IDEA)를 통해 동명의 책 ‘PZWorld’를 출판하기도 했는데, ‘인모 핸드폰 케이스’, ‘양말 한 무더기’, ‘진짜 같이 생긴 샐러드 강아지’ 등 말도 안 되는 제품들을 소개하는 이 책은 특유의 기발함으로 전권 매진되는 쾌거를 이뤄냈다.

Will you marry me(al)?: “the wedding catalogue that I have died everyday waiting for”
September 23, 2019 - Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue - and something PZ.

the weirdest wedding products you didn’t know you needed
September 18, 2019 - For her latest project, PZ Opassuksatit has created a book of the weirdest, wildest nuptial-themed items in the world. Like ‘Brides’ magazine on acid.

PZWorld Wedding is a bridal magazine dragged up from the depths of hell
September 24, 2019 - The wedding book for the darkest of times

Helmut Lang Commissions Artist PZ Opassuksatit for Love-Themed Collection
August 14, 2019 - Earlier this summer, Helmut Lang partnered with multimedia artist Josephine Meckseper in a series of hand-painted pieces. This time, artist PZ Opassuksatit joins Helmut Lang for a new collection. The latest project continues the brand’s collaboration with artists while showcasing its love-themed collection.

PZtoday + Helmut Lang 4eva
August 19, 2019 - Paris-based designer and creative wizard PZ Opassuksatit teams up with Helmut Lang for a lesson in love.

“酔っ払いサラリーマン”がドーバー銀座に出現、仕掛け人の「PZ Today」ってだれ?
April 23, 2019 - 「PZ Today」という名で活動するアートディレクター PZ Opassuksatit。謎多き存在ながら、ファッション好きなら彼女の作品を一度は目にしたことがあるかもしれない。.....

This designer set up a fake modelling agency to launch his new collection
February 27, 2019 - London-based designer Steven Tai joined forces with PZ Today to create a conceptual shopping experience for AW19

This new campaign video is meant for watching when you’re high AF
January 15, 2019 - Vegan footwear label Rombaut’s Spring 2019 film features Paz de la Huerta serving QVC realness and a man with a cabbage for a face.

vegan footwear brand rombaut’s new campaign is a hilarious tribute to tv infomercials
January 15, 2019 - The video stars Paz de la Huerta and “salad man”. This article originally appeared on i-D US.

PZWORLD is the Amazon-esque wish list of our weirdest and wildest dreams
September 26, 2018 - This book gives you the chance to peek at Virgil Abloh, Kim Chi, and Ava Nirui’s fantasy shopping lists

get your zodiac sorted — prep for the year of the pig!
December 10, 2018 - Everyone’s favourite Northerner and multi-disciplinary artist Claire Barrow has teamed up with her best-friend, frequent collaborator and fellow Northerner Eloise Parry, to bring you the only calendar you need for 2019. Working with three other very brilliant women -- designer PZ Opassuksatit, hair extraordinaire Kiyoko Odo and make-up artist Anne Sophie Costa, they have created 2019’s must-have.

This 2019 calendar tells you when Mercury goes Retrograde
December 07, 2018 - As well as all the other essential life stuff you need to know, including your lucky colour, your ideal Hollywood love match, and your perfect boss’s astrological sign

My Keanu
February 28, 2018 - The ultimate fanzine from a woman who has loved Keanu Reeves for 20 years Meredith Nirui’s love for the actor and rockstar gains new life with help from IDEA, designed by PZ Opassuksatit and edited by Nirui’s daughter @avanope